CASA/Wings Young Aviator of the Year Lauren Jones

CASA/Wings Young Aviator of the Year LAUREN JONES

Lauren Jones is an outstanding student from Griffith Aviation. She is an executive team member and leader in her student organisations. She is recipient of Sir Samuel Griffith Connect Scholarship, Griffith University Award for Academic Excellence, NASA and Houston Association for Space and Science Education Scholarship, School Academic Medal, and Academic Excellence Awards.

She attends events hosted by Aviation Aerospace Australia and Women in Aviation International Chapter. Volunteering her time as an exhibitor at the Girls in Aviation Day allowed her to share her love of aviation with others still considering career options.

She has also volunteered as an exhibitor at the Aviation High Aerospace Experience Day and The Brisbane Airshow. She currently holds the roles of both Chief Student Pilot and Portfolio Director of Student Welfare. In 2022 she held the roles of Social and Community Engagement, as well as Flight Leader.

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